Primary Hand Position

video example 1: Primary Hand Position >> Back to Video Examples Primary Hand Position

Suspended Chord Writing Exercise

writing exercise 1: name the chord progressions >> Back to Writing Exercises Suspended Chord Writing Exercise Write the following passages in all keys using the PDF templates below. Play each sequence an octave lower or higher and determine which sounds best to you. Suspended Chord Writing Exercise 1 – PDF Template  Suspended Chord Writing Exercise […]

Name the Following Progressions

writing exercise 1: name the chord progressions >> Back to Writing Exercises Name the Chord Progressions Listen to the following audio examples and identify the chord progressions using Roman numeral notation. To begin, listen for the harmonic rate of progression, which will help identify the tempo of the harmony. Next, pay attention to the lowest […]

Suspended Chord Resolution

Performance exercise 1: Suspended Chord resolution >> Back to Performance Exercises Suspended Chord Resolution Note the chord voicing for a C suspended chord resolving to a C7 (b13b9). Step 1. The first step in mastering this chord sequence is to practice the voicing in all keys, training fingers to recognize the quartal left hand voicing […]